Executive Board

Executive Board & Leadership Team
The Executive Board (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) of the PTP is elected each Spring through a nominations process facilitated by the Nominations and Elections Committee. Those elected in the spring will serve their term beginning June 1st of that year.

If you are interested in learning more about PTP leadership positions please contact the PTP President, Kate Fey at [email protected]

President -Kate Fey
[email protected]

Secretary -Anna Rendell
[email protected]

Volunteer Coordinator -Kim Brown
[email protected] 

Website & Social Media Coordinator -Anna Rendell
[email protected] 

Vice President -Tara Flores
[email protected]

Signatory Treasurer-Sandra Hatcher
[email protected]

Fundraiser Chairs -Sara Martin & Kim Brown

Donations/Sponsorship Coordinators - OPEN POSITION 
[email protected]